Let Me Help You Make The Right Choice

Divorce and separation can be very stressful and emotional events. For this reason, you need reliable counsel to help you make legal decisions. Matters involving child custody are no different. Without the right counsel on your side, you may deal with tough repercussions, including loss of custodial rights.

Understanding Legal Custody in Fresno

California recognizes two forms of custody—legal and physical. Legal custody is the power to make significant decisions pertaining to a child’s welfare, health, and education.

Examples of decisions made by parents with legal custody include:

  • The child’s educational pursuits
  • If the child will be involved in religious activities
  • Any important medical decisions

Joint legal custody is quite common in California. This would mean that both parents are responsible for making important decisions regarding the child’s future.

Parents will usually share legal custody, unless:

  • Both parents are unable to make joint decisions
  • One parent is deemed unfit
  • It would be in the best interest of the child for one parent to have sole legal custody

Courts cannot make any custody decisions if the parents were not married at the time the child was born. Also, in order to cause as little inconvenience to the child as possible, the court will try to maintain conditions that closely resemble their pre-divorce routine. If both parties are unable to reach a child custody agreement, the court will make a temporary order regarding custody.

Contact the Law Offices of Rick D. Banks Today for Counsel

If you are in the process of a divorce or separation, I can help you make decisions regarding custody of your child or children. As a Fresno child custody lawyer with over a decade of experience, I can assist through this tough legal process. When it comes to determining how your child will be raised, you want to make sure the courts are making the right decision.

Contact my firm today at (559)222-4891 and schedule a no obligation consultation to discuss your case.